Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blogging in two languages: Bilingual student from Texas becomes ACT’s second Hispanic student blogger

Blogging in two languages: Bilingual student from Texas becomes ACT’s second Hispanic student blogger
The Latino Journal E-News, Vol. 2, Issue 2

Lisa Marie Cantú, a senior at La Joya High School in La Joya, Texas, has always wanted to be a writer and journalist. She will have an opportunity to do just that as ACT’s first bilingual student blogger.

But Lisa is not new to writing. Her dossier includes three first-place awards, three third-place awards and two fourth-place awards for journalism/editorial/headline writing at the Congressional Youth Leadership Council state conference in 2008. She was also Jimmy Carter High School’s 2007-2008 yearbook editor.

The 17-year-old reads, writes and speaks Spanish as fluently as she does English and says she’s been in love with writing from a young age.

“Ever since I was in elementary school, paper and pencils have been my escape from everyday life,” said Lisa. And she has adults to back her up. “My fifth-grade teachers questioned me when I returned from recess with a pen and paper in my hand. My answer was simple - I love it.”

Lisa is a prolific teen who aims high. She is a member of the junior Jewelettes, La Joya High School’s cheerleading team, she plays softball and is also a budding actress. Even with such a swamped schedule, Lisa is following a distinguished achievement academic plan and takes several advanced courses.

“I do not let the pressures of my teen years control or limit me to less than my own expectations. I have nothing but hope for myself.”

Lisa will share with ACT readers the way she handles such pressures as well as her plans for the future. Meet Lisa and read what she has to say about getting ready for college – in either Spanish or English – at

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